Voluntary product certification, based on voluntary disciplines and a collective brand, is a qualifying tool for enhancing particular features of agro-food products and communicating them to the market.
Italy is a country known for its rich variety of foods and wines, appreciated around the world. The reason the sunny peninsula is home to such rich variety are the particular features of its soils, geographic and climactic areas, and history, which over the millennia have created a range of unique cultural and gastronomic traditions.
Voluntary product certification can help highlight these particular features of your products, such as the physical and chemical characteristics, particular production processes, and the raw materials used.
Voluntary product certification is based on regulatory references (technical disciplines) developed with the consent of stakeholders and approved by RINA AGRIFOOD S.p.A.; it also relies on a series of evaluation procedures appropriate to the object’s characteristics, the certification and market expectations. The certification program comprises a documentary audit, an on-site inspection, and physical and/or organoleptic tests on the finished product and/or the raw materials used.
RINA provides this service through RINA AGRIFOOD S.p.A., an agri-food company with over fifteen years of experience in quality control of products.
RINA AGRIFOOD S.p.A. has a network of specialised auditors who provide comprehensive assessment of various types of business.
How do I distinguish a certified product from a non-certified one?
The RINA AGRIFOOD S.p.A. logo demonstrates the certification.
What characteristics should the requirements have in order to be certified?
Requirements must be defined, verifiable, and verifiable; different from those already set by law; effectively valued in the eyes of the consumer; lasting in time.
What can the certified features be?
Product features (maximum percentage of fat, absence of GMO, chemical-physical or sensory profile); process features (type of animal feed and integrated fight); service features (delivery to the customer within a certain number of hours after harvesting).