Our applications can be used, registering for free, clicking on the “explore the app” link. Some of these are available without any registration:
The marine applications allow you to access our public databases containing:
For specific services like Leonardo INFO (in private mode), technical software and Leonardo draw plus, please refer to your local RINA office for receiving authorization.
New authentication gradually released by country
E-Certificates Validation
Verify the validity of your Electronic Certificate
Leonardo INFO
Leonardo INFO provides authorised users to access ship status, reports, certificates and other documents generated by RINA Services S.p.A. with Leonardo SHIP. Among these clients there are ship owners, ship managers, Flag Administration, Port State Control Officers
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Marine Directory
RINA Marine Directory helps customers and partners to contact our offices worldwide. Wherever you go, keep in touch.
Marine Product Certification
Marine Product Certification contains the list of certificates issued by RINA for type approved products, approved manufacturers of materials, Marine Equipment Directive and Pleasure Craft Directive
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Leonardo Service Supplier
Leonardo Service Supplier contains the list of companies certified in accordance with the RINA 'Rules for the Certification of Service Suppliers' which provide their services, such as measurements, tests or maintenance of safety systems and equipment, the results of which are used by surveyors in making decisions affecting classification or statutory certification and services
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Member Area Marine
Member Area Marine provides access to PSC and ESP survey documentation, technical software
Register Book
The Register Book allows to view the list of units classed by the RINA Services S.p.A., detailing the most important technical data for each ship, updated every month
Rules & Marine notice
Member Area Marine provides access to regulatory documentation such as RINA Rules and Circulars, RINA Marine Notices (MNOs) and the RINA publication IMO Conventions Codes and Amendments listing new IMO rules requirements coming in to force according to the ship type
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Leonardo Draw Plus
Leonardo Draw Plus is designed to manage the marine design appraisal. RINA Clients are allowed to submit digital drawings easily and to monitor the approval status and remarks of each submitted plan in real time
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Leonardo Test Plus
Leonardo Test Plus allows the RINA Customers to submit their request for testing and certification of products such as materials, components and equipment, with the related technical data. This tool allows the Customer to monitor the progress of the testing process relating to their requests and to download the RINA Test Certificate at the end of the process.
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Marine technical software
RINA provides to its Clients a set of free software for performing assessments according to rules (Leonardo propulsion, Leonardo Hull 2D/3D, Leonardo Hull 2D for yachts, Pleasure Craft EC Assessment, LoadMate, Fuel Changeover Calculation, Ultrasonic Thickness Measurements (UTM), Leonardo Piping and Pressure Vessels
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Leonardo Emissions
Leonardo Emissions, a digital service offered by RINA, is designed to help the industry meet these challenges by turning raw data into sustainable operations.
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SERTICA Ship Management System
SERTICA is a comprehensive suite of digital solutions designed to revolutionize the way shipping companies manage their operations, ensuring streamlined efficiency, automation and top-notch performance
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