ESG at RINA: Governance

The pillars of our governance model

RINA consists of the parent company, RINA S.p.A., which is the holding group controlling the main sub-holdings RINA Services S.p.A., RINA Consulting S.p.A., and RINA Prime Value Services S.p.A. In order to ensure compliance with the applicable recognition, authorisation, notification and accreditation rules, including those relevant to the management of impartiality, the sub-holdings are subject to management and coordination by the holding group in the areas of finance, administration, strategy, organisation, management and business continuity. In contrast, technical and operational decisions remain under the exclusive responsibility of the sub-holdings and the companies under their control. 

The pillars of RINA’s governance model are: 

The strict separation of duties between the governing bodies, along with an impartiality risk assessment to identify and manage impartiality and the risk of conflicts of interest in company relations, ensures compliance with the applicable impartiality rules. We have designed an organisational and governance model which over the years has been audited and approved by the strictest controllers, including the European Commission, the European Maritime Safety Agency, the Italian accreditation body Accredia, and many other accreditation bodies worldwide.

RINA has certified its anti-bribery management system accordingly with the ISO 37001:2016 standard. 

RINA companies adopt and implement Quality Management Systems according to standard ISO 9001.

In relation to information security, RINA adopts a certified management system according to standard ISO 27001:2013. 

The Board of Directors of the holding company fulfils the role of guiding, coordinating, verifying and controlling RINA Group as a whole. The Board defines the corporate governance structure of the Group and guides the general direction of the management of the controlled companies and RINA Group as a whole. It also assesses the adequacy of the organisational systems of the controlled companies, both in relation to business development and risk control/ management on the basis of the statutes in force and the applicable legal provisions. 

The Control Body is responsible for the Organisational, Management and Control model which is aimed at minimising the administrative liability of legal persons. The Body monitors the application of the Code of Ethics using data and information collected by the Internal Audit function and/or from whistleblowers. It also gives binding opinions on its interpretation, carries out periodic reviews, and proposes any amendments to the management body. 

This committee assists the Board of Directors and the CEO of RINA S.p.A. in identifying, assessing and managing the strategic, financial, operational and compliance risks associated with the activities of the holding company and its subsidiaries. The RINA Enterprise Risk Management Policy, revised in January 2020, sets out our commitment to developing an Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) framework. 
The Corporate Compliance Board provides guidelines to ensure that RINA’s activities comply with the requirements of impartiality as indicated in the applicable standards, as well as those of integrity, confidentiality and fair competition. 
This audit function verifies compliance with the Code of Ethics, manages reports of potential violations and transmits the results of this activity to the Control Body. 
This new ESG  Committee assists the Board of Directors and the CEO of RINA S.p.A. in identifying, managing and monitoring RINA’s strategy on ESG issues, both internal and business-related, promoting a culture of sustainability within the company. 
The Cybersecurity & Digital Committee aids the CEO and Top Management of RINA S.p.A. in defining and  continually updating the company’s cybersecurity and digitalisation policy and strategy, developing the necessary company culture and awareness and promoting RINA’s positioning as a benchmark par excellence in this field. 
RINA Compliance


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RINA Whistleblowing

RINA Whistleblowing

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