Safety management or site works coordination and supervision (mandatory in Italy for public works) is intended to ensure the proper execution of interventions, in terms of compliance with the safety conditions for workers on the construction site. It applies to major infrastructure projects, urban restructuring, transport development, etc.
The technicians responsible for these activities are named by the owner and are personally responsible for the proper execution of the service.
The activity is carried out in accordance with the RINA governance model, which safeguards impartiality and prevents conflict of interest situations.
As required by the relevant national code (derived from the European Community Directive No. 97/57), site works coordination and supervision ensures compliance of the project with the following issues:
We are an international leader in civil, structural and geotechnical engineering. Through our highly qualified staff, we have the skills to tackle complex multidisciplinary integrated projects, covering the safety management task with a strong technical background.
The presence of a multidisciplinary staff, within a single organization, enables us to provide qualified expert evaluations related to all aspects of the project.