EMAS Regulation

The European tool for enhancing the environmental commitment of organisations

EMAS regulationAn organization that chooses to adopt an environmental management system and to register EMAS demonstrates, in a voluntary and concrete way, its commitment to the environment and environmental sustainability, providing control authorities and citizens with a tool to know, share and communicate their environmental performance. In fact, the European regulation EMAS n. 1221/2009 requires to draw up an Environmental Declaration representative of all aspects of improvement of the environmental performance of the organization, which will then be examined and validated by RINA during the certification phase.

The following EMAS registration allows to obtain a recognition at European level of the achievement of the Organization’s excellence both for environmental management and for the effective and transparent communication plan of its environmental performance to the interested parties. The reduction of environmental impacts, the identification of environmental risks and opportunities to reduce costs related to energy consumption, waste and raw materials management, a systemic approach in defining environmental objectives and identifying the tools to achieve them are some of the advantages that organizations themselves obtain from EMAS Registration, in addition to possible facilitations and simplifications such as,  for example, the extension of the AIA, the reduction of insurance premiums and/or sureties.


RINA è accreditata da ACCREDIA come verificatore ambientale riconosciuto per svolgere le attività di verifica e convalida secondo quanto previsto dal Regolamento EMAS. Siamo una realtà globale, leader del settore delle certificazioni che basa il proprio lavoro sull’eccellenza e l’esperienza dei propri professionisti. Accreditati da ACCREDIA ed ANAB in tutto il mondo per il rilascio di certificati di conformità alla ISO 14001, per vari settori merceologici e per gli schemi di certificazione a essa collegati, vantiamo una competenza riconosciuta a livello nazionale e internazionale con accreditamenti locali in diverse nazioni (es. INMETRO, RENAR, …).

Certification process

The main stages of the certification and registration process are:

Following the issuance of the validated Environmental Declaration, the organization can apply for EMAS Registration to the Ecoaudit Ecolabel Committee-EMAS Italy Section and be included, after a specific investigation, in the list of EMAS registered organizations.

The duration of EMAS Registration is 3 years, renewable at the end of the three-year period.

Our experts answer the most frequently questions

The EMAS Registration is issued by the Ecolabel Ecoaudit Committee following a technical-administrative investigation conducted by ISPRA staff that verifies both administrative aspects (e.g. payment of the registration fee to the Ecolabel Ecoaudit Committee) and technical aspects (e.g. any previous environmental accidents, analysis of the contents of the Environmental Declaration, absence of violations of environmental legislation)
It is not possible to accurately identify the timing for the issuance of the EMAS Registration as it depends on several factors, including the conduct of the technical-administrative investigation by ISPRA technicians at the request of the Ecolabel Ecoaudit Committee once the organization has submitted the application for Registration accompanied by the validated Environmental Declaration
Annex IV of the EMAS Regulation on "Environmental Communication" is replaced by Regulation 2018/2026 which provides that the Environmental Statement contains at least the summary of the structure and activities carried out by the organization, the environmental policy, the description of the environmental management system, the identification of significant environmental aspects and their impacts, the environmental objectives and targets, the actions implemented and planned to improve performance environmental (also with reference to published sectoral reference documents), updated data on environmental performance through the use of key indicators and specific environmental performance indicators described, a reference to compliance with applicable environmental regulatory obligations

Regulatory focus 

The European regulation EMAS n. 1221/2009 is a voluntary environmental certification tool (EMAS stands for Eco-Management and Audit Scheme) available to public and private organizations based in the territory of the European Union and who wish to engage in assessing and improving their environmental efficiency and achieving environmental sustainability objectives.

The requirements of the ISO 14001 Environmental Management System are an integral part of EMAS (according to the requirements of Annexes I, II and III amended by EU Regulation 2017/1505). To these are added the requirements for collecting and communicating data on environmental performance to the outside through the preparation of an Environmental Statement (according to the requirements of Annex IV amended by EU Regulation 2018/2026).

EMAS is therefore easily integrated with the other main business management systems as it requires the application of a management system with High Level Structure (HLS) present in all the new ISO standards.

Finally, EMAS takes into account additional elements to support organizations that intend to continuously improve their environmental performance, such as: 

-Specific requirements on the measurement and assessment of environmental performance in relation to objectives and targets
- compliance with environmental legislation
- Strong employee engagement
- development of key indicators comparable over time and between different organisations
- transparent communication to the public through the dissemination of the Environmental Statement validated by an accredited verifier
- reliability through registration in a national and European public directory


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