Fuel consumption

Review of technical specifications for an efficient ship

The right choice in the design phase is the best solution for an efficient ship. The retrofit and upgrade solution will never have the same effects.
We analyze ship’s drawings and records relevant to the actual use of energy on board, focusing on energy production, conservation and utilization, in order not to ignore the importance of day by day ship operation, consequence of possible damages, equipment and system maintenance and maintainability.


RINA always keeps up with innovation, is aware of the development of the rules and of the technology available to answer to the rule’s requirements, and at the same time addresses the needs of its clients. The technical specification is analysed by our experts in hull, machinery, fire protection, electrical and automation systems, environmental matters and by surveyor expert in existing ship.

Alessandro Pescetto Sector Manager Marine Innovation

+39 010 5385504
+39 345 6870189

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