CII & EEXI assessment - consulting service

Sustainable shipping: how to be compliant with new IMO decarbonization measures CII and EEXI

CII & EEXI assessment - consulting service

Do you know that new amendments to MARPOL Annex VI will come into force very soon?

IMO in 2018 put an initial strategy in place to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from ships, setting out a vision which confirms its commitment to phasing them out across international shipping, and focusing initially on a reduction in carbon intensity by at least 40% on average by 2030. 

As agreed during the 76th session of the IMO Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC 76) new amendments to MARPOL Annex VI were adopted with the aim to reduce GHG emissions from ships.  

In particular, short-term measures EEXI and CII will be in force starting from 1st January 2023

RINA CII and EEXI consulting services 

Our consulting service aims at supporting shipowners and management companies with their decarbonization path, especially in understanding the latest MARPOL amendments and keeping them constantly informed on the latest updates.

Our EEXI consulting service includes:

  • Calculation of the Attained and Required values
  • Ship’s current EEXI calculation (attained vs required)
  • EEXI gap and evaluation of the EPL percentage needed in order to meet the requirements.
  • Analysis of other technical options in order to achieve the targets
  • Additional investigation for ship efficiency (CFD, sea trials, onboard power monitoring)
  • Preparation of the EEXI technical file 

Our CII consulting service includes: 

  • Preliminary assessment of the Carbon Intensity Indicator attained vs required
  • Evaluation of operational profile and potential improvement in order to reach the IMO target in 2023 
  • Study of solutions such as Energy Saving Devices (ESD), Trim Optimization and others, in order to improve the operational profile of the vessel
  • Preparation of the revised SEEMP

The new measures imply an updated of the SEEMP as well: ships of 5,000 GT and above engaged in international voyages are required to be SEEMP compliant. 

This must include a description of the calculation methodology used for the annual CII and other processes, an implementation plan for achieving annual CII over 3 years, and a procedure for self-evaluation and improvement.


  • We deliver a detailed technical report that includes the outcomes of the EEXI & CII assessments and suggestions on further steps to comply with the IMO requirements, or to improve the vessel and the overall fleet performance.
  • We analyze specific case-studies for every kind of vessel and we offer tailor-made services according to the Clients’ needs. We plan workshops together with clients’ team, step by step.
  • According to the report and the clients’ needs we can also evaluate a return of investments analysis. 
  • Thanks to our experience and expertise in the maritime sector we are constantly updates on latest rules and requirements.
  • Global presence which allows us to have access to an extensive database.

Are you interested in EEXI/CII Practical Accurate Assessment online training course? 

Acquire the knowledge for the practical accurate assessment of the EEXI & CII: register here!


Frequently Asked Questions

The new EEXI and CII shipping decarbonization measure will come into force by 1st January 2023.

The verification of the ship's attained EEXI shall take place by the vessel R.O. at the first annual, intermediate or renewal survey of the IAPP Certificate or the initial survey of the IEEC Certificate, whichever is the first, on or after date of entry into force, 1st January 2023.

The options to meet the Required EEXI are: introduction of an Engine Power Limitation (EPL) or Shaft Power Limitation (ShaPoLi), introduction of energy efficient consumers, reconsideration of Electrical Power Table, capacity increasing, speed increasing by means of hydrodynamic improving devices and/or innovative energy efficiency technology. 
Vessels shall collect information on the CO2 emissions and calculate the attained annual operational CII over a 12-month period from 1 January to 31 December in that calendar year and electronically report to its Administration/RO within March of the following calendar year.
The options to meet the required CII are: speed reduction, trim optimization, ship’s utilization, performance monitoring, capacity increasing, introduction of energy efficient consumers, hydrodynamic improving, hull coating, hull cleaning, CFD, innovative energy efficiency technology, batteries and fuel cells, and/or new fuels. 
The formula seems to be complicated, the EEXI is a design Index and depends on several factors, such as Capacity, main dimensions, main engine power. At RINA we know the matter by heart, and we know how to apply all the factors involved in.

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