Environmental self-declarations

Assessment in accordance with ISO 14021

Environmental statement is a statement that manufacturers, importers, distributors and retailers can make about the characteristics and environmental performance of their products. Verification of environmental claims by a third-party entity represents, in the labelling sector, an instrument for communicating in an acknowledged and authoritative way the provider’s commitment to environmental protection.

Regulatory focus

The reference standard is ISO 14021, which specifies the requirements for self-declared environmental statements, including declarations, symbols and product-related charts. It also presents a general evaluation and verification methodology for self-declared environmental statements, specific assessment and verification methods for the assertions indicated in the standard.

There are three different types of “Environmental Declarations”, based on the classification and description of the labels and environmental declarations of ISO 14020:


RINA is accredited by Accredia for the DAP Environmental Product Declaration scheme in accordance with UNI EN ISO/IEC 17065:2012 - UNI EN ISO 14025:2010.


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