Periodic checks on pressure equipment are an obligation imposed by Italian Legislative Decree No. 81/2008 (Consolidated Safety Act), defining the obligations as regards the procedures for inspection requests and the role of authorised public and private entities.
Checks on pressure equipment are governed by Article 71 of Italian Legislative Decree No. 81/2008, with its supplementary provisions in Italian Legislative Decree No. 106/09. These rules complement the discipline inherent in this service, already regulated by the Italian Ministerial Decree No. 329/04.From 21 August 2013, through the amendment of Article 71 subsection 11 in application of the so-called “Processes Decree” (“Decreto del fare”), the Employer may, for subsequent verifications, apply directly to the Qualified Entity of his/her choice.
The periodicity of the tests is specified in Annex VII of the Consolidated Safety Act and depends on the PED risk category to which the equipment belongs, as well depending on the fluid contained or conveyed.
In application of paragraph 13 of Italian Legislative Decree No. 81/08 and its amendments, we have been successfully registered as a Qualified Entity able to provide all the related and complementary services to the audits, in a third-party position and using qualified staff available throughout Italy.
In the absence of a response from INAIL, can I request the first periodic verification by a Qualified Entity even if no ISPESL/INAIL enrolment number has been issued?
Before submitting your request, you must ask the INAIL to issue your enrolment number.
How to proceed for non-CE marked pressure equipment which has not yet had the first periodic check?
The competence for commissioning remains exclusively with INAIL.