Lockdown policy measures necessary for containing the spread of COVID-19 are resulting in a significant business impact for many companies. The effects of the emergency are felt across all the industrial sectors, both operationally and financially.
Companies have to understand the COVID-19 impact on their short-term objectives having in mind also the long-term ones. As a company assesses the effects on its business, mitigation measures need to be identified and quickly implemented while managing stakeholders and planning actions for the long-term period.
Furthermore, COVID-19 pandemic has created issues related to social human behavior as well as it imposes a proper management of the environment with regards to the microbiological contamination. Such needs, that are well known in specific sectors (e.g. health and pharmaceutical), are nowadays spread to almost all human activities. This requires the adoption of new tools/procedures and technologies for people management (including proper management of personal data, if any), use of PPE (personal protective equipment), sanitation activities as well as a new design for the affected processes including customer and supply chain interface and management.
In this complex framework, RINA makes available his experience as strategic management consultant and system integrator to provide the following services: