Diesel-electric hybrid & Battery Application in Yachts | Marine training course

Learn about technical aspects of battery powered yachts and the use of batteries onboard.

Diesel-electric hybrid & Battery Application in YachtsThe evolution of sustainable technologies has made a significant impact on the marine industry, particularly in the realm of yachting. One notable advancement is the integration of diesel-electric hybrid systems and battery applications in yachts. As the maritime world is moving forward decarbonization, diesel-electric hybrid systems and battery applications in yachts represents a significant step in the pursuit of sustainable and efficient yachting. 

Learn about this innovative combination ushering in a new era of eco-friendly yachting.

Our team remains available to provide you with any further information you may need. Contact us by writing to global.marinetraining@rina.org.

Online course

Duration: half day

Price: EUR 300 (plus VAT, if applicable)

Physical classroom at Greece's facilities

Duration: half day

Price: EUR 330 (plus VAT, if applicable)

The course aims to provide essential technical knowledge on battery powered yachts and the application and safety of batteries onboard. Enhancing understanding of minimum safe requirements for electric Hybrid yachts, during port operations or sailing.
- Air pollution and emissions impact for ship transport 
Introduction & General principles for ships powered by batteries 
Diesel Electric hybrid systems 
Lithium batteries: constructions and performance indicators 
Lead/Nickel-Cadmium batteries 
Safeguards principles and ventilation 
Location for battery rooms 
Rules for ship classification and relevant class notation 
Risk evaluation & risk assessment 
Control, Monitoring, Alarm & Safety Systems
Shore personnel of maritime companies managing yachts
Crew of yachts
Naval Architects & Marine Engineers
Maritime shore personnel
Personnel of Research & Development departments and New building departments
Port & Terminal operators
RINA Attendance Certificate.