IT service management

ISO 20000 certification

The ISO/IEC 20000 standard defines the processes required to provide IT services, both internally and externally.
Its certification, available to organisations of all sizes and types, attests to the excellence of an integrated management system that combines process efficacy and efficiency, economic profit and customer satisfaction for excellent quality of products and/or services offered.

Service Details

An effective IT management system provides the tools to plan, implement, monitor and improve processes relating to:

At all of these stages, the customer-provider relationship is specified by a Services Catalogue, which lists the different levels of service or SLA (Service Level Agreement).


RINA is accredited as a certification body by Accredia and APMG Group.
Our teams are trained by ICT and Security sector professionals, ICT Auditing (Auditor CISA, ITIL Certificates), technical experts in the field of technology, and industry regulatory experts.


ISO/IEC 20000-1:2018 transition


On 29th March 2022 the ISO / IEC 20000-1: 2011 standard will be not valid anymore and will be replaced by the new ISO / IEC 20000-1: 2018 edition in compliance with the transition rules established by IAF, APMG and the relevant accreditation bodies.

The transition to ISO / IEC 20000-1: 2018 began on 30th September 2018 and has undergone a revision which involves:




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