Rail welding systems - EN 15085

Railway vehicles, components and sub-assemblies


Welding in the production of railway vehicles is an important process for the safety of public transport. EN 15085 establishes quality criteria to ensure that the basic welding technical requirements are met.
The EN 15085-2 compliance certification attests to the requirements for welding personnel in the production of railway vehicles, components and subassemblies, whenever it is expressly required by manufacturers or specified in tenders or contracts.
This certification is an increasingly important guarantee of quality in and outside the EU for the acceptance of welded works on the market and in the railway industry.

Service Details

Within this standard, RINA performs conformity audits for:

Certification Procedure

The length of the audit depends on the certification level required by the manufacturer and the size of the company, in terms of the number of workers involved in welding production activities.
The validity of the certificate is limited to a maximum of 3 years. During the period of validity, at least once a year we perform a surveillance audit to verify compliance with the requirements of the standard. Before the certificate expires, the manufacturer may request a renewal.


We are a certification company with a long-standing experience in welding processes in many industrial sectors, including the rail sector.
We operate as a certification body accredited by Accredia and recognised by the Italian National Railway and Infrastructure Safety Agency (ANSFISA) and the European Committee for Welding of Railway Vehicle (ECWRV)


Does the welding manufacturer also have to be certified in accordance with EN ISO 3834?
The requirements of the relevant part of EN ISO 3834 have to be met, but certification under EN ISO 3834 is not required.

What are the requirements for welding coordinators?
The welding manufacturer must verify and demonstrate that the welding coordinators have adequate technical knowledge, as required by EN ISO 14731. The tasks and competencies of welding coordinators are listed in Annex B to EN 15085-2.

Does the rule also apply to welding coordinators hired as sole-trader consultants?

In special cases, sole-trader welding coordinators (i.e. hired from outside the company) can be recognised as responsible welding coordinators if the requirements of EN 15085-2 are met.

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