Owners of lifts installations can benefit from the biennial verification service on all categories of lifts and goods elevators in private service (Article 13 of Italian Legislative Decree No. 162/99 and as amended), so as to ensure:
RINA offers the Prequalification Certification Service (Article 17-b of Presidential Decree No. 162/99 and as amended) to the owners of buildings where an elevator is to be installed if, following natural, structural, regulatory or legal constraints of third parties, the use of a derogation on the remaining spaces or the pit areas is indispensable.
With this service, we issue a Certificate attesting the suitability of the alternative measures to be taken.
We also carry out the Extraordinary Verification Service (Article 14 of Italian Presidential Decree No. 162/99 and as amended) in the following cases:
Who should apply for a periodic or extraordinary check?
The obligations relating to periodic and extraordinary checks are on the owner or legal representative (e.g. apartment building administrator).
From when does the periodicity of the checks begin?
As of the date of commissioning of the lift, reference is made generally to the date of the Declaration of Conformity.