Qualitative and quantitative assessment of inclusions (eg. E45, E2283)
Hardness and micro hardness measurements
Quantification of microstructure features as per ASTM standards (grain size, amount of phases)
Failure analysis and root cause analysis
Condition assessment and remaining life assessment
Experience in a wide range of sectors and components
Determination of CCT and TTT diagrams
Evaluation of the effect of deformation on phase transformation
Microstructure evolution in complex thermal cycles
Effect of high heating and cooling rates
Nanoscopy & TEM
Resolution (point to point): 0.19 nm
Accelerating Voltage: 300 kV
Electron Gun: Field Emission
Spot Size: 0.4nm
Single & Double tilt Be specimens holder
In - column energy filter (EF-TEM, EELS)
Imaging: fluorescent screen, film plate and on axis CCD camera (2k x 2k)
Scanning Electron Microscopy
W, LaB6 and FEG sources
High resolution instruments
EDS and WDS detectors for micro - analytical characterisation
EBSD detector for crystallographic characterisation (phases identification, grain and sub - grain size determination in complex phases, texture analyses)
Evaluation of particle size distribution and composition by integrated and customised tools
Microstructure Examination
Identification of microstructural constituents (e.g. upper / lower Bainite)
Size, morphology, crystal structure and topology of phases
Effect of thermo-mechanical treatments on the microstructure (coherent/incoherent precipitation, dislocation density, etc.)