A digital approach to design plan approval - RINA.org

A digital approach to design plan approval

29 Aug 2022

Ship plan and drawing approval forms a key part of yacht design. To streamline this process RINA has created ‘SMA’, a new digital Ship Model Approval design platform

The platform offers the direct exchange of data and information with shipyards and designers through a state-of-the art electronic database. Design approval can subsequently be given using the same platform.

The software is accessed through the 3D CAD tools (or 2D tools) typically used by the shipyards or designers in the design process.

Using the program, shipyard, designers and RINA specialists across the different disciplines can examine and discuss design drawings in real time, and together identify the optimum solutions.

The platform offers the following benefits:

  • ample possibilities of item selection in the 3D or 2D model,
  • availability of all the metadata necessary for the current phase, design or approval, for any item at any step
  • extended visualization and search capabilities,
  • the possibility to record notes and remarks
  • the full history of modifications made and comments exchanged

Importantly, the software tool and the proposed approach can incorporate the use of 2D electronic drawings, and their successive development into a more complete model at a later stage.

Meanwhile, information exchange through the RINA platform does not oblige users to purchase the RINA software, and the platform can manage the export of files generated by most popular CAD systems. 

Advantages of the new approach

The main advantages offered by the new platform are summarized below:

  • immediate exchange of information, accelerating the approval process time and reducing the ‘back and forth’ of information exchange, thereby improving the ultimate efficiency of the ship plan approval process;
  • support for all aspects of the design process, including structural stability and safety, propulsion, machinery systems and automation, and electrical installations.

Analysis of recent projects showed a reduction of up to 50% in communication exchange between designers and RINA’s experts using the platform in order to achieve design plan approval.

In addition, the platform offers the following advantages:

  • a sole, unique point of access to all the life cycles of data, with link, search and visualization capabilities,
  • progress monitoring by status based on several variables relating to the design phases, as well as to the approval phases,
  • full control over sensitive information, with no data transferred or stored in the cloud,
  • possible utilization for all the ship’s life cycle data. 

Nicolino Arena

Andrea Venturelli