Energy+ magazine -

Energy+ magazine: 2017 issue

27 Mar 2017

How to keep a strong and stable business, despite the continuing challenging market conditions in the Oil and Gas industry?

Welcome once again to Energy+. The continuing challenging market conditions in the oil and gas industry mean investment levels and new project opportunities are limited and the market extremely competitive. To ensure our business remains strong and stable we are working hard to increase the number of clients we serve across broader market areas.

In this edition, we will look at how we are strengthening our position in North America, how to reduce non productive time (NPT) incidents, the importance of maximising assets in a reliable way and our activities in Tunisia for the Nawara onshore gas development.

We will also look at some of the opportunities the future holds including the resurgence of concentrated solar power and the possibilities of Industry 4.0.

We thank JGC Corporation, Statoil, Tüpraş, Emas Chiyoda Subsea and SapuraKencana Petroleum Berhad for their contributions.
