New frontiers in sustainable transports and infrastructures -

New frontiers in sustainable transports and infrastructures

07 Sep 2023

Can we make transportation both functional and sustainable?

MoUEurope's transport system, while successful in enhancing connectivity and reducing travel times, has become a significant contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, representing a quarter of the EU's total. The European Green Deal has set a remarkable target of reducing these emissions by 90% by 2050. Achieving this ambitious goal requires a focus on user-centric, affordable, accessible, healthier, and cleaner transportation options. 

Some crucial objectives include increasing the adoption of eco-friendly vehicles and alternative fuels, as well as promoting multimodal transport to encourage the use of sustainable integrated transport modes. 

Meeting these challenging climate targets also demands a transition to more sustainable modes of transportation to enhance efficiency across the entire transport system. 

Making this transition a reality will require expanded capacity and improved management. 

What are the latest innovations?  

At RINA, we are committed to providing secure and reliable mobility services. We actively engage in various global research and innovation initiatives to ensure the integration of cutting-edge solutions into our projects. Our research and innovation efforts primarily revolve around two key areas: 

- The railway sector: we prioritize improving energy efficiency and enhancing infrastructure security. 

- Urban mobility: we play a central role in devising innovative strategies that advance sustainable urban transportation concepts. 

To further strengthen our commitment, we continue to advance our research in the transportation sector to provide increasingly sustainable and up-to-date solutions. These are some of the new projects on which we have embarked in recent months:  

- EBRT2030 (GA 101095882) aims to create an advanced, fully electric urban and peri-urban European Bus Rapid Transit system with automation and connectivity features to support sustainable urban transport. 

- CLUG 2.0 (GA 101082624)  seeks to enhance the European Train Control System (ETCS) odometry with GNSS technology for safe train positioning and innovative train localization through multi-sensor fusion. 

- LIAISON (GA 101103698) focuses on limiting emissions from transport infrastructure by providing knowledge and technical solutions, addressing both infrastructure-related emissions and those contributed by transport infrastructure itself. 

- SARIL (GA 101103978) aims to enhance system resilience against disruptions and reduce the environmental impact of freight transport. 

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Leonardo Corsi