Construction is a strategic sector for developing the European economy, and governments and public players are its largest client base. However, there are some commonly recognised problems that could affect the construction process: levels of collaboration, under-investment in technology and R&D and poor information management.
Implementing BIM (Building Information Modeling) could both solve these issues and bring further benefits to both public and private stakeholders, although it remains unresolved how to effectively evaluate such benefits. For this reason EASME (Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises) has announced a tender to develop a methodology for cost-benefit analysis for the use of BIM in public tenders.
RINA has been awarded this project thanks to our long-standing experience in managing complex projects, including the implementation of BIM both in the public sector and in the industrial arena. We'll be further supported by a sub-contractor, B1P Group s.r.l., an international consulting company of engineers and architects with a specific knowledge in BIM-related services and technologies.
The methodology we'll work on together will enable EU public clients to estimate the advantages for their own specific projects, thus fulfilling the objectives set by EASME. More specifically, the project will involve: