23 Jul 2020
A snapshot of the main recent developments of SecureGas 3 Business Cases
SecureGas has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 833017 to focus on key elements (e.g. installations, pipelines) of the +140.000 Km of the European Gas network from Production to Transmission up to Distribution in 3 specific targeted areas (Greece, Lithuania and Italy).
The project will ensure the delivery of solutions and services in line with clear needs and requirements from stakeholders in the sector (including Gas TSO, Gas DSO, Energy Companies), focusing on:
- Risk-based security asset management of gas transmission and distribution networks (Business Case 1 – Located in Greece);
- Impacts (economic, environmental and social) and cascading effects of cyber-physical attacks on interdependent and interconnected European Gas grids (Business Case 2 – Located in Lithuania)
- Integrity and security, through the operationalization of resilience guidelines, of strategic installation across the EU Gas network (Business Case 3 – Located in Italy)
In particular, the activities of the 3 Business Cases (BC) are ongoing:
- BC1 - Greece: here SecureGas addresses the transportation and distribution (Midstream up to Downstream) of gas at strategic (project planning), tactical (project risk assessment) and operational (Distribution Network) level. Currently, legacy integration systems have been identified and combined with the SecureGas solution, the project components have been configured and datasets identified for ease of installation. Moreover, implementation on pilots has begun and procurement is under way for sensors and hardware.
- BC2 – Lithuania: here SecureGas targets the adaptation, customization, deployment, and testing of the SecureGas High-Level Reference Architecture (HLRA) and the extended components. This will result in the deployment of a specific security solution, integrated as far as possible into operations and evaluated by the business case owner during pilot activities. Currently, the definition of the scenario structured in three standalone use cases (“Risk assessment of pipeline hub”, “Methane leak detection by an unmanned aerial vehicle” and “Remote control deployment of valves”) has been completed
- BC3 - Italy: here SecurGas focuses on the adaptation, customization, deployment, and testing of the High-Level Reference Architecture (HLRA) built upon the SecureGas system and the extended components. This will result in the deployment of an advanced technological solution, integrated as far as possible into operations and evaluated by the business case owner (i.e. ENI) during the pilot activities. Currently, feasibility studies for providing the experimental plan have been defined
Do you think there is a need for a more resilience planning, design, operation and maintenance of the Gas network and infrastructure to achieve a sustainable financial benefit in the long-term?
Do you think there is a need for upgrading current asset integrity management practices incorporating security elements to move forward to a next generation of asset management?
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