Everywh2ere Project - RINA.org

Everywh2ere Project

09 Feb 2018

RINA coordinates the development of 8 FC containerd “plug and play”gensets

We coordinate Everywh2ere, a project that aims at developing 8 Fuel cell equipped containered “plug and play” transportable gensets. These gensets are overcoming traditional gensets solutions mainly based on diesel engines providing a zero emission – zero noise solution. EVERYWH2ERE prototypes will be tested in construction sites, music festivals and urban public events all around Europe, demonstrating their flexibility and their enlarged lifetime.

The results of the project will be further exploited for the redaction of three replicability studies for the use of the gensets in new contexts, such as emergency and reconstruction sites, ships cold ironing in harbors, mining industrial sites. 

The project started on 1 February 2018, it involves EU Fuel Cell and Hydrogen leader industrial players and it aims at the definition of a commercial roadmap and suitable business model for the complete marketability of the gensets within 2025.

Due to the crucial role of cities to promote through policies and dedicated regulatory framework the spreading of FC gensets, local authorities will be involved in the project since its beginning. A strong dissemination and communication campaign will be conducted particularly during the so called "demonstration events" (more than 25 festivals are involved) in order to increase public audience awareness about FCH technologies.

The Financial and Administrative Coordinator is Stefania Marongiu and the Technical Coordinator is Stefano Barberis.

You can find more information about the project’s consortium on FCH JU website.

Laura Bertolacci