Genoa (Italy)

Magazzini del Cotone di Porto Antico, Genoa (Italy)

RINA takes part in AMPP Italy Chapter’s 3rd Conference & Expo 2024

09 - 11 Jun 2024

Together towards energy transition and decarbonisation

AMPP ItalyThe AMPP Italy Chapter’s 3rd Conference & Expo 2024 will feature sessions on corrosion prevention, coating technologies, failure analysis, inspection and monitoring, testing, failure analysis, hydrogen service, renewable energies, Oil & Gas production, refineries & pipelines, manufacturing & welding.

Experts from various fields will present the latest advancements, with an expo showcasing state-of-the-art equipment and services.

With a focus on energy transition and decarbonisation (CO2 and hydrogen), we aim to showcase our expertise and knowledge. 

What we offer

- Materials and Components Testing: Standard and Fit-for-Purpose Laboratory and Full-Scale Testing. Assessing materials and components resistance to CO2 and hydrogen embrittlement, crucial for evaluating the asset durability and integrity in CO2 and H2 environments, through state-of-the-art engineering analysis and testing. RINA is at the front end of both engineering and lab and full-scale testing for CO2 and H2 environments, and in particular as far as full-scale testing is concerned is one of the few Organization in the world able to carry out such kind of activity. 

- Operability Assurance and Asset Integrity Feasibility Studies: Providing comprehensive assessments to determine the viability of implementing carbon capture technologies and integrating them into existing industrial frameworks, by adopting a Technology Qualification scheme, where a risk assessment-based approach is used to evaluate the asset suitability with respect to the new conditions of use  

- Research and Development (R&D): RINA aims to integrate carbon-free fuels and renewable energy sources into existing transmission grids and power plants, thus supporting the reduction of CO2 emissions and enhancing grid flexibility 

- 360* Project Management and Consultancy 

Discover our speeches

- Speaker: Gianluca Mannucci. Session: Energy Transition: Carbon Capture. Title “Ravenna CCS project – Repurposing of existing offshore upstream pipelines for CO2 transportation”. Venue: Scirocco, 3rd Floor/ Time: Monday June 10, 15:40-16:05 

- Speaker: Gianluca Mannucci. Session: Energy Transition: Carbon Capture. Title “Feasibility assessment for the repurposing of existing pipelines for CO2 transport”. Venue: Scirocco, 3rd Floor/ Time: Monday June 10, 16:30-16:55 

- Speaker: Ali Smith. Session: Energy Transition: Carbon Capture. Title “Hydrogen embrittlement in CCS pipelines: is it a concern?'', Pap”. Venue: Scirocco, 3rd Floor/ Time: Monday June 10, 17:45-18:10 

- Speaker: Luciana Intiso. Session: Energy Transition: Carbon Capture. Title “Towards a sustainable society - Challenges on corrosion testing for CCS applications”. Venue: Scirocco, 3rd Floor/ Time: Tuesday June 11, 11:30-11:55 

- Speaker: Gianluca Mannucci. Session: Energy Transition: Hydrogen Service. Title “'EPRG full scale fatigue crack growth testing on linepipe materials in gaseous hydrogen”. Venue: Libeccio, 3rd Floor/ Time: Tuesday June 11, 14:25-14:50 

Gianluca Mannucci