5G-HINTS project

Accelerating the Adoption of Satellite Technology in the 5G Era

Business Period Project Coordinator Funding Scheme
Industry Started on November 2021 - ongoing RINA Consulting S.p.A.
ESA - European Space Agency


SMARTFISHING projectThe primary challenge addressed by the 5G-HINTS project is to identify and consolidate highly attractive demonstration topics that highlight the benefits of satellite technology in the 5G domain. These demonstrations must possess a sufficient level of maturity to ensure tangible progress in the adoption of satellite technology within the 5G landscape. The project consortium, including RINA, is continuously monitoring technical limitations and industry advancements to overcome these challenges effectively. For example, advancements in antenna design are essential to enable direct access from small devices like cars.

Our role in the project

RINA is mainly responsible for managing the framework that allows the identification of the demonstration topics and the definition of the methodology to solicit industry and academic entities to submit proposals to participate in demonstration calls. Together with the consortium partners and ESA, we evaluate the received proposals to select the more promising, with the overall objective of highlighting the enabling conditions for non-terrestrial 5G communications, through a series of technological configurations representing the paradigms of the reference protocols.


The 5G-HINTS project serves as a central hub for technological validation activities in the realm of 5G-NTN (Non-Terrestrial Networks). It brings together ESA, non-ESA R&D projects, and industrial initiatives related to satellite 5G and New Radio developments, enabling them to extend their technological advancements through on-air demonstrations. By providing a coordination hub, 5G-HINTS enhances visibility and interest from key stakeholders in the telecommunications sector and future verticals.

The project's benefits extend beyond the direct participants, fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing within the industry. By promoting the integration of satellite technology into the 5G ecosystem, 5G-HINTS accelerates the adoption of advanced telecommunications services and unlocks new possibilities for connectivity and innovation.

In conclusion, the project facilitates the validation and demonstration of satellite capabilities, creating opportunities for enhanced connectivity, expanded coverage, and improved services. With its strategic focus on technological advancements and industry collaboration, 5G-HINTS is driving the future of 5G and satellite integration, ensuring a seamless and transformative telecommunications experience for communities and businesses alike.

Alessio Mattioni