LNG as a Marine Fuel | Marine training course

A solid comprehension of the IGF Code requirements


Considered as the bridge fuel to meet the future environmental targets of international shipping, the Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) is fast increasing its share as marine fuel.

While the environmental benefits of LNG are clear, the onboard handling of this new fuel is different compared to conventional marine fuels. We developed this course to increase the marine professionals’ knowledge in LNG.

The course discusses the regulatory framework (i.e. the International Code of Safety for Ship Using Gases or Other Low-flashpoint Fuels, IGF Code) as well as operational aspects such as the safe LNG bunkering, and maintenance and testing of the fuel containment system.

Online course

Duration: 2 days

Price: EUR 660,00 (plus VAT, if applicable)

Physical classroom at Greece's facilities

Duration: 2 days

Price: EUR 720 (plus VAT, if applicable)

Participants will have an overview and understanding of the IGF Code requirements and solid comprehension of its implementation to the design, construction and operation phase.

This course will focus on the customer related LNG/Gas System.

  1. Regulatory Framework
  2. The reasons to choose LNG
  3. Introduction to LNG
  4. IGF Code and design examples
  5. Risk Assessments: HAZID/HAZOP, FMECA, LOPA
  6. LNG/Gas System Design: LNG Tank, GVU/GRU, PRV
  7. Operational Items: Inert the Gas/LNG System, Cool-Down, Gassing-Up, LNG Bunkering
  8. Operational approach & Procedure
  9. Lessons Learned
  10. Training requirements
Anyone in the maritime industry that needs to be up-to-date with the IGF requirements and LNG vessels design and operation.
RINA Attendance Certificate

RINA Global Marine Training Centre Marine

5, Aitolikou Street and Kastoros
3rd Floor

+30 210 4292147