ISO 30415:2021 – Human Resources Management – Diversity, Equity and Inclusion is the reference guideline that supports organisations in integrating the principles of valuing diversity and promoting inclusion into their management systems.
RINA provides a third-party attestation service of the capacity of a company to value diversity in the work environment (with regards to gender, race, disability, culture, etc.) and promote inclusion.
Gaining a declaration allows companies to communicate their commitment towards inclusion to their stakeholders.
Published in May 2021 by ISO (International Organization of Standardization), the ISO 30415:2021 standard establishes guidelines for typical HR management processes that can be oriented towards valuing diversity: workforce planning, remuneration, recruitment, induction, learning and development, etc.
It is broken down into actions, measures and outcomes with the aim of providing the company with a complete framework of activities to be considered in the development of the corporate system.
Following the issue of the certificate, “surveillance audits” must be carried out annually. The ISO 30415 attestation is valid for three years after which the company may request re-evaluation.
The advantages of our Diversity, Equity & Inclusion services, such as achieving the ISO 30415 attestation, are in getting a document issued by an independent, officially recognised body that attests that the company's system meets the requirements of the relevant standards.
An organisation that chooses to adopt a diversity management model and a measurement of the level of integration of gender equality principles in its procedures is able to differentiate itself from less qualified competitors and increase its visibility and competitiveness. In turn, this ensures a greater orientation of all functions towards increasing inclusiveness and the appreciation of resources regardless of their gender.
RINA is accredited by ACCREDIA, ANAB and INMETRO to issue certificates of conformity on major Management Systems, for various product categories and related certification schemes and is a partner of Unitelma Sapienza on gender equality issues.
RINA is a global leader in the certification sector, thanks to the excellence and experience of its professionals. It has nationally and internationally recognised expertise in a wide range of regulations, and always operates with transparency and professionalism.