GlobalG.A.P. certification (Good Agricultural Practices) was created to guarantee a competitive advantage in the market of primary agricultural production. More and more often, in fact, companies in this sector are required to demonstrate safe and sustainable processing practices for quality production, which has become fundamental both for consumers and for European and international large-scale distribution.
The GlobalG.A.P. standard in fact allows to define in a transparent way the health and safety characteristics of primary productions, to reduce production costs in the long term and respond to the growing needs of food safety and environmental protection.
The GlobalG.A.P. standard was drawn up in 1997 by Eurep (Euro Retailer Produce Working Group) as an initiative of some of the main European distribution chains, and represents a real Guideline for good agricultural practices, leading to the creation of an integrated management system between the rules for the production and marketing of fresh (unprocessed) agricultural productions.
The affirmation of the GlobalG.A.P. standard IFA has determined the need, as early as 2014, to develop a specific certification standard for all players in the supply chain and not only for producers.
In fact, the GlobalG.A.P. Chain of Custody establishes strict requirements for the management of certified products and segregation between certified and non-certified products, during the subsequent processing phases of fresh unprocessed products covered by certification. Through this, the standard GlobalG.A.P. has pushed the boundaries of certification that previously only interested primary producers.
Obtaining GlobalG.A.P. certification has a number of advantages:
GlobalG.A.P. IFA (Integrated Security in Agriculture)
Through the certification of the standard by authorized bodies such as Agroqualità, Agricultural Producers will be able to meet the demands of their customers and access the channels of large-scale distribution that requires GlobalG.A.P. certification as a pre-requisite for the supply of the products themselves.
Certification according to the GlobalG.A.P. standard IFA can be requested by all primary producers falling within the standard and can be issued in single form or several producers can decide to join creating a Group of Producers and request Group certification.
The implementation of the standard will require participating manufacturers to meet requirements relating to:
- Efficient management of the production site and company activity
- Hygiene
- Health, safety and well-being of workers
- Traceability
- Evaluation and management of the impact of production activities on the environment
- Minimization of agrochemical inputs
- Efficient use of resources
As part of the GlobalG.A.P. certification IFA have been developed additional modules (Add-Ons) that GlobalG.A.P. has created to respond to market needs regarding some delicate issues of a social, environmental nature or specific market demands.
In this regard, Agroqualità is recognized for the following Add-Ons:
- GRASP: Risk Assessment on Social Practices in Agriculture
- SPRING: Sustainable Programme for Irrigation and Groundwater Use
- PLUS (McDonalds): Standard of Good Agricultural Practices developed specifically for farms supplying fresh vegetables for suppliers MCDonalds
- BioDiversity: a set of rules, principles and criteria to support fruit and vegetable producers in applying practices that contribute to compliance with biodiversity. Agroqualità is the first reality in Italy to issue an evaluation document for this Add-On.
Benefits of certification
Obtaining the GlobalG.A.P IFA certification, which in fact is now considered as a sort of passport required by the European large-scale distribution, has a number of advantages:
- Generates consumer confidence
- Demonstrates the company's commitment to safety, quality and sustainability
- Leads to the reduction of inspections (because certification is already a guarantee in itself)
- Guarantees effective management of production processes, with optimization of direct and indirect business costs
- Increases the chances of market access
GlobalG.A.P. Chain of Custody (Coc)
Through the GlobalG.A.P. standard Chain of Custody de facto GlobalG.A.P. It has expanded the boundaries of certification that previously only interested primary producers. The GlobalG.A.P. standard in fact establishes strict requirements for the management of certified products and the segregation between certified and non-certified ones, during the subsequent processing phases of fresh unprocessed products covered by certification. This is not a Food Safety standard, but a protocol based on traceability and aimed at maintaining the integrity of the system and guaranteeing the identity of the GlobalG.A.P. product throughout the supply chain.
Certification can be requested by all organizations that deal with:
- Logistics
- Processing
- Preservation
- Labelling
The implementation of the standard will require member manufacturers to meet requirements relating to:
- Verification of incoming and outgoing products
- Traceability
- Identification and segregation of products
- Labeling
- Maintenance of records
- Management of mass balances.
Benefits of certification
Obtaining the GlobalG.A.P Chain Of Custody certification has the following advantages:
- Guarantee GlobalG.A.P. origin of products supplied to its customers
- Provide a guarantee that products marketed with GlobalG.A.P. certification status are actually those in possession of this qualification
- Marketing products with certification status
- Have a unique identification number called CoC Number that leads back to the Organization actually in possession of the certification
- Effective management of its traceability system
The main steps in the certification process include:
- Compilation of the information questionnaire
- Sending the technical/economic offer which, once accepted, constitutes the contract for the provision of the service
- Audit at the company
- Upload of the certificate and audit reports on GlobalG.A.P. portals, thus ensuring maximum visibility of the result obtained
- Annual certificate maintenance audit
RINA AGRIFOOD S.p.A. has gained over time extensive expertise in the agri-food sector, placing itself as a reference point for those who want to acquire access to the most important European markets, where the GlobalG.A.P standard is one of the most important criteria for selecting suppliers.
RINA AGRIFOOD S.p.A. is able to satisfy the different requests of its customers as part of the GlobalG.A.P. standard. is accredited and recognized for the following subfields of application:
- Fruit and Vegetables
- Flowers and Ornamental Plants
- Plant Propagation Material
- Extensive crops