RINA provides high-level contributions to the advancement of geotechnical engineering, starting from well-established solutions to improved earthwork methodologies and innovative foundation concepts - all applied with the goal of driving down construction costs.
Our typical geotechnical projects include offshore platforms, subsea structures, pipelines, floating structures, anchoring systems and suction piles, onshore industrial applications, mining projects and tailing dams. For each of these developments, we can act as geotechnical consultants for the project or we can take care of geotechnical design from concept to detail.
In addition to having experience with the main international codes (ISO, API, DNV, EC, IBC, FEMA, ASCE), we play an active role in the geotechnical society, providing technical contributions to the latest fields of research.
Our expertise range from design and advanced numerical competences, to in-site surveys and laboratory testing. This provides customers with a unique understanding of geotechnical problems and possible solutions.
Our early projects were among the first applications of soil mechanics to heavy construction, a tradition that continues today.
Our team continuously improves its skills in geosciences and soil engineering to satisfy your requirements.
Our team is particularly skilled in preparing geotechnical reports in seismic and earthquake engineering, and has advanced knowledge of non-linear dynamic modelling, especially for deep water soil conditions.