We carry out different ascertainments focused on the minimization of fire risk: passive fire protection verification throughout the ship’s life, hot spot assessment in machinery spaces, and electrical equipment verification and maintenance in specially categorised spaces and other areas classified as hazardous.
The scope is to verify that the likelihood of a fire occurring in machinery compartments is as low as possible. The survey is based on both visual inspection and thermographic analysis.
Hot Spot Assessment: it is carried out through a visual inspection that identifies maps and checks pipelines, associated fittings and equipment in order to pinpoint potential leakage of flammable oil. The thermographic analysis aims to identify spots over 220°C that can represent a source of fire ignition. The results are then summarized in a report detailing each problem identified with a description and a picture. Finally, a feedback assessment is made in order to determine the corrective actions to implement.
Ro-Ro Space Electrical Equipment Assessment: the ro-ro special category spaces are classified as hazardous zones and the electrical equipment and wiring must be suitable for the explosive petrol and air mixture. Additional measures are to be considered in the case of carriage of dangerous goods. Preservation of the original design characteristics of the electrical equipment is the main scope of the assessment and particular care is taken as regards inspection of the actual state of plugs and sockets, lighting fittings, fire detectors, alarm signal and loudspeakers, electric motors, cables.
Passive Fire Protection Verification: principles of fire protection, in general, and structural fire protection, in particular, are sometimes disregarded during the life of the ship due to improper use of spaces, different space destination in respect of the original design. A purpose survey is carried out in order to:
If the client is interested, third-party audits can be conducted on board to assist the management in verifying the operational readiness of the personnel responsible for the ship's fire safety devices.
Preparation and issue of a check-list. It is tailored on the type of fire risk assessment required to be carried out on board the ship; e.g. general overview of all fire safety matters on board, possible “deepest examination” of particular high fire risk areas, assessment more focused on passive fire protection, etc... . The check-list also contain a narrative section where you can document observation, attach photos taken during the inspection and provide additional verification related to mandatory instruments (e.g., 2023 concentrated inspection campaign (CIC) on fire safety by the members of Paris/Tokyo M.o.U. on Port State Control).