
Restoring sites to greenfield status

Infrastructure assets have limited economic lives. We have a comprehensive understanding of the issues and constraints associated with decommissioning old infrastructure facilities.

RINA is able to manage the entire process of demolition and minimize cost, maximize asset return, limit liability and keep regulatory compliance thanks to the use of a circular economy approach.

The activity is carried out in accordance with the RINA governance model, which safeguards impartiality and prevents conflict of interest situations.

Service details

Our team of experts has an extensive experience and advanced capabilities in:


We are able to offer an innovative approach and technical support for the development of decommissioning methodologies, options, safety justification and evaluations, together with waste route definitions, waste management and inventory studies.

Our clients are both operators and decommissioning contractors and we provide them with innovative solutions to the complex problems associated with decommissioning old facilities.

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