Pre-commissioning and commissioning activities are performed through an Initial Operations’ (IO) team to the job site, whose responsibility is to oversee such activities according to the contractual requirements.
This team, working with the site construction and subcontractor personnel, plans and directs the various activities associated with the preparation and testing of the plant for initial operation, in close cooperation with construction, licensors, vendors and customer’s personnel.
To ensure that nothing is missed during the latter months of construction, a “systems concept” allows completing the plant by systems or segments and best fit to it the commissioning and start-up activities’ schedule.
This approach results in the earliest possible start-up date - often referred to as “oil-in” -, as pre-commissioning and commissioning activities of completed test systems can begin prior to the mechanical completion of the entire plant, thereby saving precious time.
This system approach allows construction and pre-commissioning activities to take place together.
RINA appoints dedicated teams to start-up and commissioning activities, who also prepare all the necessary documentation for pre-commissioning, commissioning and start-up activities.
Our team works closely with EPC contractors’ design, construction and technical engineers to develop the most effective, safe and efficient start-up plan and relevant procedures for the project.
In addition to planning, this dedicated team of professionals can be on site to direct, coordinate and perform the activities based on the plan.