Environmental and regulatory compliance

Supporting safe and legal products through the complex technical and safety-related legislation and environmental legislation around the world

Ensuring that your products meet all applicable regulatory and commercial requirements is an increasingly complex and critical task. Our Clients are required to demonstrate that their products are safe, reliable and will meet legal requirements – both environmental and technical.

Service details

We have extensive knowledge of global compliance requirements and constantly track and monitor these multiple, changing obligations. We can help you navigate regulatory and safety approvals and explain exactly how they affect your business. We also publish a regular newsletter, Re4view, which delivers coverage and expert analysis of environmental regulatory matters relevant to products and components.


Our experts assist industry and authorities (including UK government and the European Commission) on environmental compliance issues such as: 

UK regulatory focus

The UK’s departure from the EU on the 31st December 2020 has clearly had major implications for the UK’s relations with the EU and with the rest of the world. Although initially the technical requirements relating to product safety and environmental legislation largely remain unchanged, there are implications on the procedural requirements in terms or reporting, changes to authorised bodies and product marking. RINA can support you in adapting to these changes and will be monitoring closely any future developments that might present a divergence in the technical requirements.


Regulatory Compliance Services