Design assurance and development

Evaluation of the design and performance of products, and independent verification

With many years’ experience of product and materials testing and HV power cable engineering, our world-renowned engineers provide unbiased consultancy and testing services that you can trust. We evaluate and advise on all aspects of the design and performance of cables, accessories and protection devices. We provide independent verification of products, as well as third-party witnessing of manufacturing, testing and installation.

Service details

Product development
Selecting the correct materials such as polymers, metals or composites for engineering applications is critical to ensure a product will perform as intended and is fit for purpose. The consequences of poor materials selection include degraded product performance or failure leading to operational losses, increased costs and damaged reputation. RINA  can offer a complete materials selection and testing service to minimise the risk of poor materials selection.

We have an experienced team of materials engineers, chemists and metallurgists from a broad range of industrial backgrounds who will assist you in selecting the correct materials for your application. We utilise formal materials selection methodology based on factors such as the required product performance, service environment and required life expectancy. Further rigorous materials qualification and validation is carried out by 2D and 3D finite element modelling as well as testing.

Design assurance and verification
We can undertake the design validation of electrical and mechanical products for manufacturers, operators and installers. We examine design files, make site visits to inspect similar installations, carry out finite element modelling and conduct peer reviews of manufacturers’ investigations.

We have significant experience in witnessing factory acceptance testing of electrical and mechanical assets, and carrying out technical audits.

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