SLCP Assessment

Designed to improve labor and social conditions in the value chain, reducing audit fatigue and saving resources, through a holistic method

SLCP refers to Social & Labor Convergence Project, which uses an inclusive multi-stakeholder approach. It is led by the world’s leading manufacturers, retailers and brands, included are governmental and civil society organisations, as well as service providers.

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We all know that compliance is the key to success, but with a magnitude of standards, codes and protocols that demand multiple audits the process ends up being very time and resource consuming and it may not provide further transparency or in-depth knowledge of how real improvements could be attained. The SLCP protocol is designed to be shared across multiple stakeholders and industries with a focus on improving labor and social conditions in the value chain by providing a holistic method to reduce audit fatigue and save resources to implement improvement plans.

The primary goal of the SLCP initiative is to reduce the engagement burden on suppliers and provide support to improve working conditions in the global apparel and footwear supply chain. The common assessment framework and data collection system has been created to increase industry efficiency and reduce audit related costs; providing opportunities to invest resources previously designated for compliance audits into the improvement of social and labor conditions.


We are proud to be a designated partner, collaborator and approved verifier of SLCP. RINA can support your responsible sourcing journey and provide expert advice in the following regions: USA, China & Taiwan, India and Sri Lanka, Mexico, Spain and Turkey.