Vendor qualification

Achieve business goals as such as quality and price satisfaction

More and more in all markets public and private clients need to assess in advance vendors that are most appropriate to supply services or goods. The output of such analysis is the vendor rating based on impartial criteria. Vendor qualification ensures to all candidate suppliers maximum transparency, objectivity and equal treatment.

The activity is carried out in accordance with the RINA governance model, which safeguards impartiality and prevents conflict of interest situations.

Service details

Setting up, managing and updating the vendor list make negotiation processes more efficient and ensure better performance of service level agreements. The main valuable supports for the procurement department are:


This service is usually developed through:

RINA adopts the assessment criteria of the client or we can both assist them to define the procedures and criteria for supplier qualification and specific tools.


We act as third independent party ensuring reliable output to the Client. International Network allows us to provide inspections worldwide.


Manuela Di Marino Sector Manager, Infrastructure International Development

+39 02 52876191

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