Supply chain coordinator

Services tailored to retailers, brands and other organisations with a supplier compliance programme, whether developing or mature

Retailers, brands and organisations are under pressure from different stakeholder groups demanding a more sustainable business approach that takes social and environmental impacts into account. With new laws and regulations such as the UK modern slavery act, Australian modern slavery bill and the devoir de vigilance, as well as international agreements including COP 24 creating further obligations, complex supply chains play a pivotal role in business success.

Managing supply chain compliance and keeping up with different initiatives across sectors and regions can be time consuming and a daunting task.

Service details

The service is aimed at organisations without the necessary internal resources and/or expertise to roll out, monitor and follow up a supplier compliance programme. Depending on the maturity of such a programme, we can support with the day-to-day management of the responsible sourcing due diligence flow, taking the suppliers through the responsible sourcing journey.

Whether you are running your own second party compliance programme or you are involved in a multi-stakeholder initiative, you can choose how much support do you need selecting between our supply chain packages Light, Premium or Advanced.


Supply chain light

Supply chain premium

Supply chain advanced


We ensure global coverage through an extensive network of expert auditors and consultants, as well as highly technological in-house capabilities and a commitment to the United Nations’ SDGs.

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