
Conference programme

The 2024 programme will be released soon. In the meantime, you can view last year’s programme.  

You can view the 2023 programme breakdown below

9.15 Registration and refreshments

9.30 Welcome and scene setting
Emily Tyrwhitt Jones | Head of Product Regulatory Compliance, RINA

Session 1: Chemicals Regulation Updates

Chair: Emily Tyrwhitt Jones | Head of Product Regulatory Compliance, RINA

9.40 The Essential Use Concept - A Hormonised route to hazardous substance phase out?
Dr Chris Robertson | Principal Regulatory Compliance Consult, RINA

10.10 PFAS Global Update
Catherine Philips | Principal Regulatory Compliance Consult, RINA

10.45 Breakout session (workshop): PFAS requirements
Breakout leads:
- Catherine Philips | Principal Regulatory Compliance Consult, RINA
- Emily Tyrwhitt Jones | Head of Product Regulatory Compliance, RINA
- Antony Lord | Senior Product Regulatory Compliance, RINA
- Dr Chris Robertson | Principal Regulatory Compliance Consult, RINA

11.25 Refreshments

11.55 Breakout session summary

12.15 RoHS: what you need to know regarding its updates
Emily Tyrwhitt Jones | Head of Product Regulatory Compliance, RINA

12.45 Session 1 Closing Thoughts: Chemicals Regulation Updates
Emily Tyrwhitt Jones | Head of Product Regulatory Compliance, RINA

12.50 Lunch

Session 2: Industry compliance insights and the EU Batteries Regulation

Chair: Catherine Philips | Principal Regulatory Compliance Consultant, RINA

13.50 TBC
Marlen Moreno | Chemicals Management - REACH Supply Chain, Specialist and Co-Chair of ADS Sustainable Materials Group (SUSMAT), Rolls Royce

14.20 Due Diligence requirements of the EU Battery Regulation
Alex Graf | Senior Consultant, Kumi Consulting

14.55 Breakout session (workshop): EU Batteries Regulation or Changing RoHS Requirements

EU Batteries Regulation
Breakout leads:
- Maciek Hulme | Senior Regulatory Compliance Consultant, RINA
- Antony Lord | Senior Regulatory Compliance Consultant, RINA
Breakout Supporting:
- Daniel Harbach | Enforcement Team Leader, Office for Product Safety and Standards, Department for Business and Trade

Changing RoHS requirements:
Brakout leads:
- Emily Tyrwhitt Jones | Head of Product Regulatory Compliance, RINA
- Dr Chris Robertson | Principal Regulatory Compliance Consultant, RINA
Breakout Supporting:
- Peter Alcock | RoHS Enforcement Team, Department for Business and Trade

15.35 Refreshment

16.05 Breakout session summary

16.25 TBC

16.55 Session 2 Closing Thoughts: Industry Compliance Insights and the EU Batteries Regulation

17.05 Close

19.15 Drinks reception

20.00 Conference dinner

9.15 Registration and refreshment

Session 3: Cybersecurity and AI

Chair: Emily Tyrwhitt Jones | Head of Product Regulatory Compliance, RINA

9.30 Welcome
Emily Tyrwhitt Jones | Head of Product Regulatory Compliance, RINA

9.35 TBC

10.05 From regulation to innovation: Navigating the EU Digital Strategy for products manufacturers
Adetola Odufuwa | Global Regulatory Compliance Manager, Watson-Marlow Fluid Technology Solutions

10.40 Breakout session (workshop): Product Security and Telecommunications Infrastructure Act (PTSI) requirements

Product Security and Telecommunications Infrastructure Act (PTSI) requirments
Breakout leads:
Ashley Weeks | Senior Regulatory Compliance Consultant, RINA
Dr Chris Robertson | Principal Regulatory Compliance Consultant, RINA
Breakout Supporting:
Michael Sawyer | Assistant Director - Product Regulation, Department for Business and Trade

11.20 Refreshment

11.50 Breakout session summary

12.10 TBC

12.40 Session 3 Closing Thoughts: Cybersecurity and AI
Catherine Philips | Principal Regulatory Compliance Consultant, RINA

12.45 Lunch

Session 4: Ecodesing and hydrogen product compliance

Chair: Maciek Hulme | Senior Regulatory Compliance Consultant, RINA

13.45 Hydrogen - product safety, legislation, guidance and standards
Liz Kimber | Principal Regulatory Compliance Consultant, RINA

14.15 UK Product Safety in a post-Brexit World
Siddhant Shahane | Regulatory Compliance Specialist, Compliance and Risks

14.45 Session 4 Closing Thoughts: Ecodesing and hydrogen product compliance, conference round-up
Maciek Hulme | Senior Regulatory Compliance Consultant, RINA

15.00 Refreshment

15.45 Close