


Prices below do not include VAT, which will be charged at the rate applicable at the time of booking. 

Early Booking Rate (valid until 25 September 2024, when the rate will switch to the Standard Rate): £954
Additional Delegate Early Booking Rate (valid until 25 September 2024, when the rate will switch to the Additional Delegate Standard Rate): £858.60*

Standard Rate (valid from 25 September 2024): £1060
Additional Delegate Standard Rate (valid from 25 September 2024): £954

Conference Dinner: £59 + VAT

*Additional delegates must be from the same company and must be booking at the same time as a full-rate paying delegate.
A 1-day attendance rate is available. Contact the Conference Team for details. 
Endorser members receive a 10% discount on the rates applicable at the time of booking. AccessRINA subscribers may be eligible for different rates. Contact the Conference Team for more information.