RINA Chat with Expert

A technical forum that allows RINA customers registered to chat with RINA experts’ community on specific technical subjects, ensuring a prompt and reliable answer. It runs in any browser and it is accessible with any device

Chat with Expert is the chat system that allows RINA Client’s to have a direct discussion with our experts.

Why RINA Chat with Expert?

How it works

It is a web-based application running with any browser and accessible with any device provided with an internet connection (e.g. laptops, tablets, smartphones).

Clients registered in chat with expert can get in contact with their RINA reference person to be authorized to use chat with expert. 

Once authorized they will be able to post technical requests that will be automatically notified to the RINA group of experts for the specific topic.

When the request is answered by RINA experts, an email will be automatically notified to the Client with all information.

For the client it will be possible to access to the ticket reading the answer and interacting with RINA experts by entering additional information/documents/questions and forwarding them back to the expert group.

Which are the topics managed?

The system addresses the request automatically to the competent RINA experts for the following topics that are to be chosen by the Client when entering the ticket: 

RINA Chat with Expert

Contact your RINA referent to access "Chat With Expert"